
Birth Announcement

Baby Girl Birth Announcement Wordings/Baby Birth Announcement Wordings/ Birth Announcements Wordings for Baby Girl/Baby Girl Birth Announcements Sample Wordings

The birth of a baby girl ushers a lot of love and prosperity to the family. And sharing the joy with the loving circle of friends and family multiplies the joy further. Here are a few samples of baby birth announcement wordings on how to put the good news across about your baby with the perfect wordings. Read on to choose the best baby girl annoucements wordings right here.

  • The good news came wrapped in an adorable shade of baby pink. Yes! It’s a baby girl!

  • We are pleased to announce that we are now proud parents of a fairy. May God bless the little angel.

  • A sweet little wish has come true. We have been blessed with a little baby girl.

  • I am a proud mother to an angelic baby girl! Let us welcome her to the world!

  • A new life has begun, our little angel was born out of love. We promise our daughter a life full of love and care.

  • At last my greatest wish from God was granted, I am ecstatic to put my arms to my daughter for the first time. My husband and I are proud to introduce her to the world.

  • Precious gifts comes in small packages, please join us in welcoming our little princess (baby’s name) in our lives.

    • This is the best day of my life. I’m now a Dad to a beautiful baby girl. The mother and daughter are doing fine. Can’t stop looking at the little wonder.

    • The stork came visiting and dropped a beautiful bundle of pink in my lap. She is the prettiest baby girl on earth and I’m her proud Mom.

    • We are thrilled to announce the arrival of our pretty princess. Looking forward to see you. 

    • We would like to share the joy of the lates addition to our family – a baby girl.

    • A darling daughter is the best gift God could have ever given us. We are really proud to share this good news with you all. 

    • Cute as a button is my pride, my life, my darling daughter is here among all of us. 

    • More radiant than the morning sun. More precious than a pearl. More beautiful than her mother. Meet my pretty baby girl.

    • You look at her and you’ll fall in love. That’s my baby girl. 

    • With blessings from the Lord above and wrapped in pink and lots of love. I’m so happy to announce the arrival of my little girl. 

    • She’s a gift from God. She’s lovely as can be. She’s a tiny bundle of love. She’s my dearest, sweetest, cutest little girl. Yes, I’m so proud she belongs to me. 

    • Tiny hands, tiny toes, big dreams, on love she grows. We are pleased to announce the arrival of an adorable baby girl. 

    • “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart…” Jeremiah 1:5

    • “I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted what I asked of Him…” 1 Samuel 1:27

    • All of charm and grace wrapped in pink and a sweet, adorable face.

    • “Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day.” says Taylor Hanson that is why a new way of life just started for both of us when our first born arrived last (date). Please meet our daughter with a bang! 

    • My new sister just came out from mommy’s tummy, I am so excited to play with her soon when she grows up a little bit. I am excited to introduce her to my playmates.

    Baby Boy Birth Announcement Wordings/Baby Birth Announcement Wordings/ Birth Announcements Wordings for Baby Boy/Baby Boy Birth Announcements Sample Wordings

    Thrilled to be the proud parents of a baby boy? We’ve made it easier for you to break the exciting news to the world. Here is a list of baby birth announcement wordings to choose from. Read on to find the perfect birth announcements wordings for your baby boy.

    • Rough and tough, just like his dad. Welcome the newest arrival in our family – our little baby boy!

    • He’s a mini-me. He’s an angel. He’s a naughty boy. He’s adorable. He’s my baby boy. 

    • We are really pleased to inform you that we have been blessed with a handsome baby boy on (date)

    • My little boy has just entered the world. His nose is just like his grandpa. His eyes are like his dad. His lips are like his grandma. And his tiny heart full of love is just like me. Love you all.

    • The angels sprinkled moondust in his hair and gifted him to us. Yes. We are the proud parents of a handsome young man.

    • My little man has me wrapped around his little finger. My baby boy. 

    • There’s a new man in my life now. Shocked? Why, it’s my baby boy! My little man.

    • We are proud to announce the arrival of a sonny baby boy (mention date)

    • With immense excitement and lots of blessings showered from the heaven, we announce the birth of our adorable little one – a baby boy.

    • A little guy in blue, eyes are lovely too, he is cute as a button, and looks just like you. Guess what? I’ve just had a baby boy who is your exact photocopy. Don’t believe me? Come and see for yourself.

    • With blessings from the Lord, we are thrilled to announce the arrival of our precious little son.

    • We are pleased to announce the birth of our son. Our little bundle of joy is here among us now . 

    • Hope, faith and joy – all have come together to bless our little boy. We joyously announce the birth of our baby boy, a cute and handsome little man.

    • Naughty eyes and playful smiles – that’s my little boy. Yes I’m a mamma to a cute little angel.

    • He sleeps and sleeps whole day long. While I keep up all night. And I love my new job. In case you’re wondering what’s hit me. Well friends, I’m a mother to a bonny baby boy.

    • Some dreams do come true, wrapped in the colour blue. Announcing, my tiny little hero, my son.

    • Well world here I come. Armed with a doting mum. I am (name of dad) little bundle of joy. Born on (date) I am his baby boy.

    • The biggest and precious gift that we received has arrived, a baby bouncing boy came to our life last (date). 

    • My tiny little copy cat has arrived, we cannot put in words how happy we are to announce the coming of our new member in the family. A new boy was born last (date), his name is (baby’s name)!

    • A new born healthy boy was added to our family, your love and support to us are much appreciated. 

    • Our priceless son is our treasure, we are so happy to introduce him formally on a special afternoon get-together in our house on (date), (address) 

    • We cannot describe our excitement to announce the birth of our son. Let us welcome him with a wonderful beginning. 

    • We welcome our newest darling of our home. Our son was born last (date), please give her the warmest hug and love. 

    • Our family has extended by two tiny feet, two tiny hands, two angelic eyes, one tiny lips, one great blessing from God. We are truly blessed to have our new son. 

    • Rejoice to the Lord, an angel came from heaven. After nine months journey, we are glad to have our son in our arms. 

    • Our new bundle of joy was born on (date), a bouncing (weight) boy and (length). Cannot wait to see his/her first smile. 

    • Our family tree is growing, the newest branch is (child’name) who was born last (date and time). Proud parents (couple’s name) 

    • Proud parents (name of couple) are elated to announce their newly born child (baby’s name). It will be formally introduced on (date) through a simple gathering at their residence at (address).

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