
Family Reunion

Invitation Wordings for Family Reunion/ Sample Invitation Wordings for Family Reunion/ Family Reunion  Invitation Wordings / Family Reunion  Invitation Wordings Sample/ What to write in a  Family Reunion  Invitation Card

Family reunions, whether big or small events, are meant to be memorable. It keeps family bonds strong, although experiences vary from family to family, organizing a reunion is always worth the effort. Having a family reunion from time to time gives the younger generation know and meet their immediate and distant relatives.

So if you are asked to sent the invitations for your family reunion, here are some invitation wording samples you can use as a guide for inviting relatives to you family reunions. Read on to find the perfect Invitation wordings for family reunion.

  • Please join us for an afternoon of fun, food, and fellowship with the clan.  Come to our annual family reunion on June 11, 2015 at our residence located at 1607 N Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA. It’s going to be a pool party, too so bring your swimwear as well as pot luck food. Contact Jesse at 01753587889 for other details.

  • It's Grandma Cythia's 85th birthday! We are celebrating her birthday with a grand Stark Family reunion on Saturday, April 25, 2015 11:00 am at -venue details  till dinner. Do bring potluck dish or your favorite beverage. 
    RSVP with Tom Stark - 818-340-2989

    • It’s been a long year since the last time we gathered in our ancestral chateau. Dad and Mom are looking forward to see us, especially the kids, again. Let us give them a wonderful surprise on their anniversary. The future is uncertain, but we will make the most out of the present. Let us make this family reunion on May 18, 2015 an unforgettable one. Contact me at 0975368964 for more details.  –  Suzette

    • Come join us for the 10th annual family reunion of the Windham Family on August 2, 2014 starting at 4:00 p.m. at the Bayview resort main function hall. R.S.V.P. to Gary Smith 907 768 1162.

    • We invite you to join our very first Valerio Family Reunion!
      Saturday, February 28, 2015, 
      12 noon ,
      Grand Ballroom 
      Dream midtown Hotel 
      210 W 55th STREET . 
      RSVP with Grandma Kate (yes, she knows how to use the computer) at

    • It’s almost time to round up the kids, pack your bags, and head off to the ancestral lake house. We’re planning on another reunion this year.  It’s going to be a whole weekend together so, we would like to know your best schedule for this special annual gathering. We’re all in this together, so let’s keep in touch via email for the specifics of the food, drinks, and other activities. 

    • We have three college graduates this year in our Metcalf Family tree. To celebrate, we invite you to a family reunion this coming March 28, 2015. Presents to the graduates are appreciated. Potluck dish is also welcome or bring beverages. Uncle Mike Metcalf has offered his residence for the venue. You can also bring swimsuits for those who want to take a dip. 
      RSVP with Tina Metcalf - 484-667-9890

    • As our family tree grows, we will continue to reconnect with our roots. You are invited to the family reunion of the Hardwick Clan on the weekend of May 24th to 27th, 2015 at the Lost Valley Ranch, Colorado.  R.S.V.P. Lex and Mindy 325 765 9876

    • Hi! This coming spring, Grandpa and Grandma Robertson will be visiting the country for a few weeks. This would also be a perfect time for us to meet them through a family reunion which will be held on April 30, 2015 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Please join us as we spend a fun afternoon of food drinks and lots of catching up. For more details contact Debra 098 763 7403. 

    • Our Rodriguez Family Tree has grown so much since our last reunion 5 years ago. We warmly invite you to join us on Saturday, March 7, 2015 noon time at Auntie Betty's home, 145 East 39th Street, Hidden Valley, California. Do bring potluck dish and beverage to share. RSVP with Eric and Tina: 858-125-2010

    •  A family tree project is underway and you are part of it. To make this happen, you and your family are invited to come to the grand family reunion of the Zulueta clan on the 5th of August 2015. This whole-day affair will begin at breakfast and will last until dinner time. Please contact Justin through for the registration details thru the family website.    

    • How time flies! The kids have grown taller than us. It’s about time we gather again for another grand family reunion. You are invited to a weekend of crazy fun with the kin on the 4th of July 2015. The venue will be at the Diamond Lake Resort, 7301 Hobbs Road, Owensboro, Kentucky   so we can also watch the fireworks together as we celebrate another year of family bond. .  R.S.V.P.  Marie 986 567 9864.

    • It's that time of the year again where we celebrate Batista Family Thanksgiving and Reunion! This year is special as we have three additional members in the family tree. Block off your Thanksgiving plans this year for lunch until sunset celebration. 
      Barbecue and cocktails will be served and your usual potluck dish is highly appreciated. Hosted by Paul and Mary 
      RSVP Paul or Mary - 555-483-3421

    • The Digby Family Reunion Committee cordially invites you to the grand reunion of the Digby Clan on October 25, 2015. To make this a memorable event, we request for some digital copies of photos and videos of your family for the slide presentation. We are sending this invitation early so you can all prepare for this momentous occasion. Kindly visit our family website for registration details and submission of memorabilia. Thank you and we hope to see you there. 

    • As requested by Uncle Benny, we will be moving our annual Park Family reunion to the day he said goodbye to us. He wants this day to be remembered as a happy occasion for everyone. April 4, 2015, lunch until sundown. Amy and Stewart will be hosting this year at their residence in 917 Hammilton Avenue, Deer Park, Nevada. Expect grilled dishes, traditional Korean food and cocktails. 

    • It has been three years, at last, our Roberts family reunion is set on (date and time) to be held at Uncle Ben Roberts Penthouse residence at (address). Please confirm attendance to (name and contact numbers). 

    • The Roberts Family Reunion will be held on (date and time) at (address). RSVP (name and contact numbers/email). This will be a potluck, for each family please bring one dish. You may coordinate with (name) for your food pledge. 

    • Please join us for the first grand reunion of Roberts Family. The barbeque party reunion will be held on (date and time) at (venue). Looking forward to see everyone in the reunion, a map is attached to this invitation. 

    • Organized by Jillian and James Roberts family, a grand Roberts Family Reunion scheduled on (date and time) at (venue). Any wine or extra dish will be appreciated. See you there! 

    • Let us come together for this summer party family reunion, the Roberts Family Reunion will be held on (date and time) at (venue). Come with your swimming attire, there will be program with family activities full of fun and laughter. 

    • You are invited to Roberts Family Reunion, date and time, venue, RSVP name and contact details. Expect the night of fun games, unlimited drinks, and get-together food. 

    • Reservations had been made for the Roberts Family Grand Reunion, a cocktail party was reserved at (venue) on (date and time). Come with your whole family, attire will be semi-formal. Since some family members are located around the globe, a website was created for updates and reunion details ( 

    • The Roberts Family Tree, meet your relatives in one night of family reunion party on (date and time) at (venue) Be proud of your roots! 

    • The 3rd Annual Roberts Family Party is set on (date and time) at (venue). Each family is requested to prepare one performance number (in a group or one family member) either by dancing, singing, stand up comedy, or any other acts. 

    • 2015 Roberts Family Reunion set on date and time, come with a theme “Let’s Paint the Room Red”. The party will be held at (venue), sketch attached. RSVP (name and contact details) 

    • A picnic family reunion is set on (date and time) at (name of Park), expect a day of grilling while sharing lots of stories and experiences with the whole family. 

    • Come and join us at Roberts Clan Party 2015, we would appreciate by sharing one dish for the party. See you all! 

    • You are invited to a “Party at the Poolside”, ready with your swimwear attire and loads of stories to share. This is an exciting event for our family. 

    • A Christmas Family Reunion 2015 is scheduled on (date and time) at (venue). Let us enjoy the holiday with our family and relatives, let us hope that this will be an annual event for the family. 

    • “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” -Jane Howard Let us celebrate the value of family, you are invited to Roberts Family Reunion on (date and time) at (venue). All for one great party!

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