
New Year

New Year Office Party Invitation Wordings/ Sample Invitation Wordings For New Year Office Party/New Year Office Party Invitation Wordings Sample

Make your colleagues’ and staff’s day this New Year with office party messages. You can add a fun, surprise, witty element or be formal. Rest assured, a smile on the face is ensured. 

Read on to find the coolest New Year office party invitation wordings right here.

  • Ring in the new with staff and colleagues. Do come for our company’s New Year party at (details) 

  • You are cordially invited to attend after-hours New Year party with cocktails and champagne flowing freely. 

  • Celebrate the festive season with our office New Year’s party. Dress code is black.

  • Stack away your formal wear. Bring out your party wear for a gala party by our company. 

  • Let’s break the 9 to 5 routine this New Year with a rocking party. Join us. 

  • No more deadlines breathing down your neck. Just come bedecked for our annual bash. 

  • Who says desk job can’t be fun? When our company throws a party, let your hair down. 

  • End of the year, let’s end routine also. Let’s party the night away. 

  • The first ones to come to office and the last ones to leave will now have stiff competition. We are throwing our annual bash to party the night away. 

  • No designation. No hierarchy. Only fun-filled evening at our office’s New Year party. 

  • Give Friday dressing a miss. Join in the fun. 

  • Don’t let office files bother you this weekend. Because it’s party time. 

  • Our office will go through a makeover this weekend. It’s party time folks. 

  • Bond with colleagues over cocktails and buffet this New Year’s. Come, let’s celebrate. 

  • Discard your formal attire. Wear your party hat. 

  • You are cordially invited with your family to our annual party. Please be seated by 7.30 pm. 

  • More than 8 hours of working will now be compensated by a weekend of equal hours of unlimited dance, music, food and drinks. Will you ever miss the office party? 

  • Today, the office memo has a fun new subject line. Party this weekend. Enjoy. 

  • This New Year, there will be no senior-junior. Only party hoppers. 

  • We spend so much time in our office, working away day and night. So why not spend some time having fun with our colleagues? 

  • Let’s get to know our colleagues better. Let’s party this New Year at office. 

  • New Year is a time for new beginnings. Let’s begin by celebrating at our workplace. 

  • This New Year, our workstations will have a brand new look. With a gala party in store for all of us. 

  • This weekend, you will not be coming to office for work. You will be coming to office for our office party. 
  • With immense pleasure we would like to invite you to our annual office get-together this New Year’s eve.

New Year Office Lunch Party Invitation Wordings/ Sample Invitation Wordings For New Year Office Lunch Party

Formal, informal or plain casual. New Year lunch party invites make a difference to the employees as they are a reflection of the company’s care for its team members. 

Read on to choose the New Year Office Lunch party invites that are corporate yet filled with warmth. 

  • There’s a luncheon today in the conference hall on the occasion of New Year. Do ensure that your entire team attends the lunch party. It would be nice to see colleagues bonding over lunch.

  • Let’s all grab a bite together. Lunch is on the company today. 

  • What better way to start New Year than to have lunch together. 

  • Here’s to 365 days more of working together as a team. Do come over for lunch on New Year’s eve.

  • Give the deadlines and meetings a miss. Today is the day for meeting your colleagues over lunch and the deadline is 1 pm.

  • Let’s all ring in the new with a lip-smacking menu. Come over for a finger-licking luncheon at 1 pm today at the hall next to the pantry.

  • As we usher a new year, let’s have a small celebration too over lunch. We will appreciate it if you attend the luncheon along with your team members.

  • The team members and staff of our company would be delighted to have their inspiring leader for a grand luncheon. We would appreciate it if you could take some time out of your busy schedule.

  • Tomorrow’s the day, when the old will give way to the new. So, mark the date on your calendar. For a little celebration before the New Year. 

  • Before you start booking party venues for the New Year, here’s an invitation to show how much the company cares for you. A small get-together-cum-lunch with those who have worked hard for our company’s success. See you there.

  • Our company has always been known to care for its team. And this New Year’s eve would be just an excuse to see all of you mingle over luncheon. Looking forward to seeing you there.

  • This New Year’s eve, say no to meetings. Say a big Yes to the office staff meeting over lunch to celebrate New Year. 

  • With immense pleasure, we would like to invite you to a grand office luncheon on the occasion of New Year.

  • Our company requests the honor of your presence at the office luncheon on the occasion of New Year’s celebration.

  • An afternoon of good cheer is foretold to all out team members today. A lunch by the company is in your horoscope. Come at 1 pm and enjoy.

  • We request the immense pleasure of your esteemed company at our organization’s New Year’s eve luncheon. We hope you would be so kind as to oblige with your presence.

  • It’s that time of the year! Lunch and get-together party by our office, for our office.

  • Appreciating the closure of a successful year and celebrating the onset of yet another year of materializing dreams, we would like to celebrate you to the New Year lunch.

  • This New Year, take some time out to celebrate with your colleagues at an informal lunch.

  • Drop in for a small, informal get-together and lunch to celebrate New Year with your team.

  • This New Year, let’s make a great start to a great year with a lunch and chat. Do come over.

  • An invitation is served to all of you who have made the organization a success. Let’s celebrate New Year with a lunch and a toast to the team who has made it all possible.

  • There’s a special lunch at the office canteen today to celebrate the special people who make our New Year a special one.

  • Just dropped a mail to let you know that your real-time presence is awaited for office lunch at the hall today with a wish that your New Year is a special one.

Invitation Wordings for New Year Party/ Sample Invitation Wordings for New Year's Eve Party/ What to write in a New Year's Eve Party Invitation Card

New Year is just around the corner and most of us are busy making plans for ushering the new year with festivities, grandeur and parties. Here is a collection of sample invitation messages for the New Year's Eve party. 

So go ahead and choose the best new year invitation party wordings from these sample messages for new year party.

New Year Party Sample Invitation Messages for Friends

  • Goodbye 2014. Hello 2015. But what’s new year without crazy buddies? So let’s get together & celebrate.

  • Time to pop the champagne and ring in the new year with music and dance. Lets all meet at Sandra's Farmhouse guys! 

  • Just before the 31st turns to 1st – let’s party the night away.

  • New beginnings on New Year are best surrounded with friends. Come on over.

  • Hey Guys! Its time to party. Lets all get together for the New Year bash at my Farmhouse. The Party colour code is red and white. 

  • The New Year's eve cocktail party is hosted by Mrs Ferret in her gardens . So be there for all the fun and frolic. Come on over with your partners and lets have a gala time together.

  • New Year Day is a new beginning - Fun and frolic to cheer the whole year! Join us for the new year party. 

  • Celebrate the New Year with the everlasting bond of togetherness. Come over to join the new year party to share and cherish. 

    • The weather is getting colder, and the holidays are near . It's time to getogether for a new year celebration with those we hold so dear. 

    • Join the party of the New Year to welcome the days with hope and grace!

    New Year Party Sample Invitation Messages for Hotels and Clubs

    • Come on board the cruise to party villa where we sail through the New Year with music, dance and food.

    • The grooviest party in town is calling you. Where are you?

    • To celebrate the coming new year with  your near and dear ones with good cheer, Come at (venue, date and time) to end the year. 

    • It’s the party of the year. Do come at (date, time & venue). {Mention the dress code and color too}

    • Add some colors to New Year’s eve with foot-tapping music and lip-smacking food.

    • We request your honorable presence dear Uncle and Aunty on the occasion of the New Year. Please come and join us  in the New Year Party dinner. 

    New Year Party Sample Invitation Messages for Family Friends

    • We are throwing a small party this New Year’s eve to celebrate the everlasting bond of togetherness that we all share and cherish. 

    • We would be delighted if you could join us at our New Year’s party. It’s a small, informal gathering of friends and family and we look forward to your company.

    • Come and celebrate the grateful memories of year passing by and build up the hope to welcome the nwe year. Lets pray that joy and success will be a part of our lives in all the days of the coming new Year. 

    • Let us party and welcome the New Year 2015! Hoping the new year brings us joy and happiness.

    • Celebrating the wonderful year gone by and welcoming the future with joy, we would like to throw a party for all those who have made our months memorable. You are an indispensable part of our wonderful times. Do come over.

    New Year Party Sample Invitation Messages for Institutions

    • We take immense pleasure in inviting you to our New Year celebrations at the club premises. 

    • We ( Insituation name)  cordially invite you and your spouse to join us for the New Year Party celebration at (date, time & venue)

    • With New Year knocking at our doors, we would be delighted to have your company amidst celebrations for ringing in the new. We hope you will oblige us with your presence.

    • Our institutions would like to take this opportunity to invite you to kindly preside over our New Year function. We hope that your favorable response would be of inspiration to our members.

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