
Valentines Day

Sample Invitation Wordings For Valentines Day Dinner/Valentines Day Romantic Dinner Invitation Wordings/Invitation Wordings For Valentines Romantic Dinner Date/ Sample Valentine’s Day Romantic Dinner Invitation Wordings

If you are planning to take your loved one to a romantic dinner this Valentine’s Day, you might as well make a creative invitation to make this night special. Whether you wish to go with the tradition, by doing it on the day itself or to spend the most romantic day of the year on another day, it doesn’t matter. What’s important is to make your loved one feel loved and special. 

Here are some sample romantic dinner invitation wording which you can use to invite your valetnine to a romantic dinner on Valentine’s Day. If you plan to host a valentine party do check our collection on inviation wordings for valentines day party

  • The night may be cold, but I’ll warm you up tonight. Relax, my dear, Amy. We won’t have to brave the traffic tonight. Let’s enjoy the night with a nice dinner, decadent dessert and revel in whatever comes next. I promise this will be unforgettable. Happy Valentine’s day, my love.

  • This weekend, a cabin on top of the hill is waiting. The fireplace will be set. Steak, wine, and you favorite moist chocolate cake will be set for a romantic dinner just for two. Will you be my Valentine’s date? 

  • Let’s drive off to a peaceful place where we can view the sunset and dine beneath the moon and the stars on Valentine’s night. Honey, please be ready by 6 pm tonight. Your dress is waiting at home. I love you. 

  • It will by my utmost pleasure to have you join me on Saturday, February 14, 2015 at 7 o’clock p.m. Please wear that favorite Little Black Dress of yours. The place will be a surprise, but it says we have to wear something formal. I will pick you up at your place at 6:30 p.m. Will you be my date this Valentine’s night?

  • I have no other wish this Valentine’s Day than to make you happy. Your wish is my command, but first we need to eat a sumptuous dinner just for the two at The Ritz. 

  • Will you sail away with me and join me for dinner on a yacht this Valentine’s Day? Let’s spend this precious private time alone as we sail off to the sunset. I miss you so much. 

  • To wait for Valentine’s Day, we will not do. No to noisy restaurants, traffic, and queue. You are too precious to be stressed that way for such a trivial holiday, my love. I will book us a hotel mini-vacation so we can spend time away from the crowd tonight. Please, say yes. 

  • To my charming prince and my knight in shining armor. You are invited to come to my castle at 7:00 p.m. Let’s share the juicy steak and the sweetest syrup. Our lips will be washed with wine and we’ll be intoxicated with love and passion this Valentine’s Day.

  • Attached is a key and a map. Follow the road and open the door when you reach the destination. Dinner by candlelight and a hot eager lady awaits your arrival on Valentine’s Night.

  • Tonight nothing else matters in the whole universe but you. If I could ask the time to stand still I would. In the meantime, let’s drink and dine under the stars. I made a reservation for two at the Sonesta Great Bay Beach Resort restaurant. It’s a lovely place. Please be ready by 6 pm. I will make this Valentine’s Day unforgettable, my dear.

  • I am the luckiest person in the world because I have you. Will you come with me tonight as I take you to a serene and beautiful place I have prepared for you? Happy Valentine’s Day, my love. I will pick you up at your office after work. See you soon. 

  • Nothing else matters to me but to spend this Valentine’s Day with you. I hope you can join me tonight for dinner and drinks. What’s on the menu? Surprise, surprise! Hint: It’s something you have been wishing to have for the longest time. See you tonight, sweetie.

  • Remember where we first dated? I'm taking you there this Valentine’s Day. Although the food we had then is no longer on their menu, I managed to have it served especially for us. I'll come pick you up after work.

  • You have the right to remain smiling. Anything you say can, and will be used by me for my own loving amusement. You have the right to go to a romantic dinner this Valentine's night with your partner. If you cannot afford it, I will gladly pick up the tab. See you at 7 p.m. tonight, honey.

  • Many are called, but the chosen are few. I got that special reservation just for two! Yes! We're going on a Valentine's dinner at Chef Paul's in Concord, New Hampshire. Dinner starts at 8pm. I'll pick you up around 7 tonight, OK?

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